Dear Houla, How do I know if it’s time to switch advisors?

Image By Matt Ragland

Dear Houla, 

How do I know if it’s time to switch advisors? My current advisor isn’t doing a great job of giving advice, or even getting my schedule done. However, anytime I (politely) voice a concern, I get told that that’s just “how College is.” Am I overreacting? Should I suck it up or look for someone new? 


Disgruntled Advisee

Dear Disgruntled Advisee,

I think it might be time to switch advisors. According to Centenary’s website, an advisor is, “a faculty member, ideally in the area of study that you’re interested in pursuing. They help you decide on classes to take, talk with you about academic and career paths for the future, and can help you with college processes like registration, degree planning, changing your major, or dropping a class.” Just based on the information you gave, it seems like your advisor isn’t doing this. Your advisor should be helping you with your schedule. The fact that your schedule isn’t getting done well is the biggest reason why I think it might be time to switch. As for the advice that you’re getting from your advisor, I don’t think that should be your biggest concern. You can always ask any professor (or even your fellow peers) for advice if you want to hear different perspectives.

Lastly, if you’ve been thinking about changing your advisor, it's probably time. Your advisor should be someone that you feel comfortable going to with any concerns/problems. College is hard, and having an advisor who actually helps you through it can make your life so much easier.

Good luck making your decision!

Best wishes,

An Upperclassman Houla


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