Our Brilliant [Former] Editor-in-Chief: Callie Fedd
Photo by Sarah Thompson
In case you didn’t already know, Callie Fedd has been our amazing Editor-in-chief this year, and I don’t think any of us could have asked for a better person to lead our newspaper. Leading is something that Callie did a lot of in her time at Centenary. Just this year, she was not only Conglomerate’s Editor-in-chief but also the President of CAB, Centenary Film Society, and Kappa Epsilon chapter. In addition, Callie somehow found time to be an English Department Writing Tutor and a Maroon Jacket.
Also, Callie is the kind of leader that genuinely leads. One can see her leadership skills just by looking at her work as Editor-in-chief. Callie gave Congo 1,000% of herself for every single issue. She was constantly having meetings either with EB, individuals, or our entire staff. Additionally, Callie wrote one or multiple extra articles for almost every issue to ensure we published enough pieces. She’s always thinking about the future of our organization and inspires us to be better writers and workers in general.
That’s another thing about Callie: she’s inspiring. Her work ethic, determination, and passion are absolutely incredible. But, she’s also just a great person. If you didn’t get a chance to have a conversation with Callie, you, unfortunately, missed out on her fantastic sense of humor. She’s also super caring for those around her. I’m going to miss seeing Callie around campus next year and working with her on Conglomerate, but I am so thankful that I got to know her and work so closely with her this semester. This site has definitely been time-consuming, but getting to work with Callie and the rest of our amazing staff has made up for it.
Lastly, I just want to wish Callie lots of love and good luck at grad school next year! It has been an honor working under such an amazing, talented Editor-in-chief, and I know that you will excel at everything else in your future. I am also incredibly grateful for literally just knowing you. I love you so much!