Best Ways to Recover from Burnout
Photo by Alessandra Manukain
Ah March. The bittersweet spot in the semester where midterms are over, but the fear of burnout is ever-looming. Over my years in academia, burnout has been something that has stopped me dead in my tracks. So, what does it look like? It can be different for everyone, but common signs include feeling more fatigued than usual, lost interest in things you enjoy, irritability, and depression. For me, when I’m nearing burnout, I get frequent headaches and my anxiety increases. It is also common to feel useless or doubt what it is you’re working towards.
The good news is that burnout is not some inevitable thing that will knock you down every time it comes over and wears out its welcome. Burnout is our body’s way of saying: “Hey you, slow down and rest.” We can prevent burnout or, at the very least, lessen the severity of it when it hits.
One thing I started doing this semester to help those mid-semester blues is to take one night a week off. On Tuesdays, I don’t do any homework or studying. Instead, I take that night to assess what my body and my mind needs. Sometimes, it’s time spent with friends. Most of the time what I need is time spent in bed watching Bones on Hulu. Even though this semester has been one of the most chaotic ones for me yet, I’ve found that by taking a night a week off, I’ve been able to stay more clear-headed than in the past.
Maybe your schedule doesn’t allow you to take a night a week off. I would encourage you to find an hour or two one night to check in with yourself and give your body what it needs or plan of how you can incorporate what it needs throughout the week. For example, maybe you find that you’re getting distracted a lot (one of the signs of burnout.) Try a 15–30-minute break once or twice a day. You could go for a walk, take a short nap, or do what I do and color in a picture. Your brain is telling you that it needs more breaks, and you should listen.
Preventing burnout is great, but sometimes it just isn’t realistic. Whether you tried to or not, burnout has crept up on you, and you’re left wondering what to do now. I’ve been there more times than I can count. Here are the five things that I do to help when I’ve reached the point of what feels like no return.
1. Take a shower.
It may seem simple, but I like to visualize all of the stress and anxiety washing down the drain as I shower. I find that visualization can be really helpful for me. If it isn’t for you, showering is still a very good idea. The hot water and the pressure can help relax those hunched shoulders from studying at a desk and your jaw that has been clenched since 3:00 this afternoon. Depression caused by burnout can also prevent you from showering, so taking one can be a good step towards feeling better.
2. Eat a proper meal.
For me, this is the hardest one, but it is the most important for my body. I tend to neglect my nutrition when I’m burnt out because I want to eat something quick and easy so I can get back to work. By not eating proper foods, you’re denying your body the things that it needs to function. Eating foods with proteins and carbs will give you more energy. Having foods with vitamin D can help depression. If you like sweet foods, having those can make you happy, which is very important.
3. Find one activity.
This activity is something for you to do when you are taking a break or when you get stressed and overwhelmed. It can be anything from working out to fishing to a dance break. For me, my activity is coloring. I print out adult coloring pages (usually something with a geometric design). When things get too much, I color a section of it. The point is to find something that is active enough that it engages your body and mind but not so active/overwhelming that it drains you. This gives your mind and body a chance to rest, but I’ve also found that it tricks you into thinking you’re being super productive. Also, depending on your activity, you have something to show for it when you’re done which is a nice dopamine reward.
4. Talk to someone.
Okay, you caught me! Eating a proper meal isn’t the hardest thing for me; it’s talking to someone. I know how important it is, but it’s hard! BUT, letting someone know what’s going on with you can be incredibly beneficial. Depending on who you talk to, you could come out of the conversation with different things. For example, if you talk to Mrs. Tina over at Counseling Services, she might give you other ways of dealing with burnt out. If you talk to a friend, you might find out that they are dealing with the same things. In this scenario, you feel less alone and if you’re experiencing Imposter Syndrome, finding out that someone else is struggling might ease that some for you. If you talk with your advisor, they might help you figure out some ways to take a couple of things off your plate to help alleviate the stress. Confiding in someone is so very difficult but good things can and do come from it.
Protip: I made a deal with myself that when I’m completely honest with my therapist/advisor/whoever that I’m talking to about my problems, I’ll get myself a drink from Randals. This deal has helped tremendously when I have to go talk to people.
5. Do one small thing for yourself every day.
It may seem like nothing, but these small acts of kindness add up. It can be the same thing every day or something new. This is a good place to implement those things that your body needs. If it’s alone time, the kind thing for yourself is saying no to plans with friends. If it’s words of affirmations, you could write yourself little notes and place them around your room. It can be as simple as making sure you drink water that day.
6. Spend some time alone.
Being around people all day, even if it’s your friends, can be incredibly overstimulating and cause a lot of anxiety. Taking five to ten minutes a day to just be by yourself in a calm environment can help take a bit of that stress off your shoulders. Sometimes, we get caught up in the busyness of it all, and we forget that we can give ourselves permission to get away for two seconds.
These six things are not guaranteed to cure burnout, but it is definitely a good start. Doing these things consistently will also help in the long run. College is hard. We shouldn’t make it harder on ourselves by neglecting our bodies and minds.