The Embodiment of Sunshine: Jordan Fong
Photo by Pandora Magazine
There are certain laws governing the universe: Two plus two equals four. What goes up must come down. Wednesday comes after Tuesday. Yellow and red create orange, and Jordan Fong is pure sunshine. It's an undeniable fact of life.
Friends, family, acquaintances, and strangers alike all know this about Jordan. It's a hard thing not to notice when her first instinct is to give a level of warmth and kindness to everyone she meets. However, there are attributes of Jordan that, at times, get overlooked.
Beyond her positivity, Jordan is an exceptionally clever, intuitive, and wickedly funny individual. She has an extraordinary work ethic and a repertoire of skills ranging from poet to coder to unintentional therapist. In her spare time, she is a master at bullet journaling and advocates for the Primal Scream. And in the last two years, she has had a very large and unacknowledged role in building Centenary College.
It would be easier to list the organizations that Jordan hasn't been a part of during her two years at Centenary. Currently, she's a proud member of Chi Omega, a recent inductee of Sigma Tau Delta English Honor Society, former President of Red River Poetry Society, Junior Literary Editor of Pandora Magazine, and a founding member of The Conglomerate--just to name a few. Jordan spent her days this past year attending class, planning food drives, attending meeting after meeting, creating layouts, and writing papers, articles, and poetry. Her commitments were numerous and diverse, but she never once failed to meet (and exceed) expectations.
In her two years as Junior Literary Editor of Pandora, Jordan has worked closely with Anna Jane Storms, Lead Editor of Pandora. Of Jordan, Anna Jane had this to say:
"Jordan is pure sunshine bottled in human form. She's extremely motivated and disciplined, somehow being able to do 5,000 things at once for school and still being able to catch a late showing at the Robinson with 30 minutes notice. Despite being wildly intelligent, responsible, and social, the characteristic that Jordan radiates most intensely in both her character and writing is hopefulness, which explains why she is the beating heart of any cause she sets her mind to."
Photo taken at Chi Omega formal
Like others at Centenary that have had the opportunity and privilege of knowing Jordan Fong, Anna Jane recognizes the work Jordan has done and her effect on her peers. Jordan spends every day of her time at Centenary working to help the College and others outside of it; her empathy is boundless, and her good-nature infectious. She's been both a mentor and confidante, friend and co-worker, student and teacher. Her kindness is without limit or restriction, motivated by her extraordinary sense of morality and integrity.
It's important to note that (on top of her work with Pandora) Jordan was the unequivocal force behind the revival of The Conglomerate. She singlehandedly built our site from scratch; she spent hours every week researching new code, reading articles, and readying the site for the publication of each new issue. When I and others fell behind on deadlines, she was the one that picked up the slack. She did all of this for little to no credit, and though she's passed the torch of Design Chief to Aubrey Salazar, Jordan will continue on with The Conglomerate as joint copyeditors with Reece Maguire for the 2022-2023 school year.
On a personal note, I want to thank Jordan. She stuck by me this year as we underwent this insane venture of reviving The Congo. She kept me (and the rest of the staff) sane and on track and showed me nothing but unconditional support, both professionally and personally.
I know that Jordan has unequivocally made my life better through her presence. Centenary and those who are fortunate enough to meet Jordan Fong should count themselves lucky because she is a remarkable person and a once-in-a-lifetime kind of friend.
Callie Fedd
My name is Callie Fedd. I used to be an English major and Editor-in-Chief of the Conglomerate. However, I recently staged a jailbreak and am now considered an alum. My weekends are now spent with my dogs, cats, cringe sci-fi shows, and an overwhelming sense of existential dread.